Spyparty videogamedunkey
Spyparty videogamedunkey

spyparty videogamedunkey
spyparty videogamedunkey spyparty videogamedunkey

Ass Shove: In his Dark Souls video, Dunkey comes across an animal and stabs a specific part of its body.Art Shift: "Monkey McDonald's", "Smash Bros 4: Dream Roster" and "Dunkey's Language" are all fully animated shorts voiced by Dunkey, and "I'm Going to Kill You" and "Green Eggs and Jam" are both fully animated music videos.Come on, Master Chief, let's get the fuck outta here! Rocket League, that is.ĭunkey: That's where I draw the line. April Fools' Day: In 2016, seven months after infamously quitting League of Legends, Dunkey decided to come back with a new League video.Apologizes a Lot: In his Goat Simulator video.All we see is Dunkey randomly searching up "top games" lists, scrolling through Wikipedia's "bestselling games" page, and indiscriminately selecting Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Not only is it 15 minutes long, but there is no real #1.


  • Anti-Advice: In his "Game Critics" video, Dunkey espouses the view that consistently wrong critics, such as movie contrarian Armond White, can be used as this.
  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: According to his Half-Life 2 dunkview, the game redeemed itself with its ending in which Alyx is killed.

    He unleashes wild animals in an area full of people, causes carts to explode in an occupied pool, and makes a rollercoaster to run straight into a line full of people.

  • Amusement Park of Doom: Rollercoaster Dunkcoon has Dunkey running one.
  • He later did the same thing with the Metal Gear Solid series.
  • Fans of Kingdom Hearts made it clear that, aside from one or two jokes, Dunkey is completely accurate.
  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: The insane, bizarrely borderline non-sequitur that is his Kingdom Hearts Explained video.
  • Affectionate Parody: Any time he mentions Jontron.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Even though his commentary about Family Guy: the Video Game makes it obvious that he doesn't like the show, he couldn't help but chuckle at a few of the game's gags, such as mimes being responsible for the Invisible Walls or having to just a press a button for a minigame because they exhausted the game's budget already.
  • His "Phantom Dentist" videos also count as this, loosely retelling the story of Episodes 1 and 2 of Star Wars, using footage of the Lego games, with Dunkey dubbing over it.
  • Four videos summing up Halo 1, 2, 3 and 4 in a non-stop stream of Rapid-Fire Comedy.
  • The Abridged Series: Essentially what the Halo: Recap Evolved series amounts to.
  • In " Goat Z Simulator," Dunkey gets extremely angry when one of the judges gives his perfect goat dive a 9. This dimbus contains the following tropes: Note The Mediafire link has been provided by Dunkey himself, so we're not endorsing piracy or anything.


    He also has an album which can be purchased off of Bandcamp for $10 or downloaded for free off of Mediafire.

    Spyparty videogamedunkey